Expanded Shredded Stems Tobacco

Crafting process of Expanded Shredded Stems Tobacco

Expanded shredded stems of tobacco are obtained by a particular processing method involving heating tobacco stems under pressurized conditions followed by sudden pressure release. This leads to an expansion of the stems, resulting in a material with a lower apparent density and improved smoking quality. The expanded stems are then shredded to form a tobacco material with excellent filling capacity.

There are various known procedures for expanding or puffing tobacco stems, some involving heating or moisturization but not pressure difference, while others utilize a pressure difference in effecting the puffing https://patents.google.com/patent/US4211243A/en

Stems constitute about 20 to 30% of tobacco leaves, but they’re poorer in alkaloids and other nitrogen compounds, ether extracts, saccharides, etc., while being richer in cell membrane substances like cellulose, pentosans, and so forth. Consequently, their smoke often has a sharper, more irritating odor and taste. The expansion and shredding process is aimed at improving the taste and filling capacity of the stems, making them a more satisfactory tobacco material.

  1. Introduction
  2. Shredding Process of Tobacco Stems
  3. Types of Prepared Stems
    • Expanded Shredded Stem (ESS)
    • Expanded Cut Stem (ECS)
    • Expanded Cut Rolled Stem (ECRS)
  4. Impact of Different Stem Treatments
  5. Mainstream Smoke Emissions and Physical Characteristics of Cigarettes
  6. Comparative Analysis of ESS, ECS, and ECRS
  7. Influence of Stem Material Proportion in Cigarette Blend
  8. Influence on Tar, Nicotine, and Phenol Deliveries
  9. Impact on CO and HCN Deliveries
  10. Impact on Pressure Drop and Ventilation Rate
  11. Role of Shredded Stem Length in ESS Cigarettes
  12. The Effect of Drying Manner on Shredded Stem
  13. Comparison of Cylinder Drier and Flash Evaporation Drier
  14. How the Drying Manner Influences the Cigarette Quality
  15. Conclusion

Expanded Shredded Stems Tobacco


In the world of tobacco processing, shredded stems hold a significant position. They contribute to the flavor, aroma, and smoke quality of the final product. This article delves into the world of expanded shredded stems tobacco and explores how it influences the quality and characteristics of cigarettes.

Shredding Process of Tobacco Stems

Shredding is a process that involves forcing tobacco stems between counter-rotating toothed blades in a mill. The stems are stripped lengthwise into thin, fibrous particles, which are then used in cigarette production.

Types of Prepared Stems

There are mainly three types of stems that are prepared for cigarette production: Expanded Shredded Stem (ESS), Expanded Cut Stem (ECS), and Expanded Cut Rolled Stem (ECRS). Each of these stems has unique characteristics that affect the final product’s quality in different ways.

Impact of Different Stem Treatments

Different stem treatments have varying effects on the mainstream smoke emissions and the physical characteristics of the cigarette. This influence was investigated in a study involving ESS, ECS, and ECRS, which yielded fascinating results.

Mainstream Smoke Emissions and Physical Characteristics of Cigarettes

The results showed that a cigarette containing ESS delivered more tar, nicotine, and phenol, but less CO and HCN compared to a cigarette containing ECS or ECRS. This illustrates how the choice of stem type can affect the smoke emissions and the physical attributes of the cigarette.

Comparative Analysis of ESS, ECS, and ECRS

When the proportion of stem material in a cigarette blend was 20%, the deliveries of tar, nicotine, and phenol in the smoke of an ESS cigarette increased significantly compared with an ECS cigarette. This highlights how the proportion of stem material in a blend can influence the characteristics of the smoke produced.

Influence on Tar, Nicotine, and Phenol Deliveries

The study also showed that as the proportion of stem material in the blend increased, the deliveries of tar, nicotine, and phenol in the smoke of an ESS cigarette also increased. This suggests that a higher concentration of stem material in the blend can lead to a more robust and flavorful smoke.

Impact on CO and HCN Deliveries

Interestingly, the deliveries of CO and HCN reduced when the proportion of stem material in the blend increased. This indicates that a higher stem content can potentially lead to a less harmful smoke, withlower concentrations of CO and HCN, two compounds that are known to have harmful effects on health.

Impact on Pressure Drop and Ventilation Rate

At the same inclusion rate of the respective blend material, the pressure drop and ventilation rate of an ESS cigarette were lower, while its firmness was higher than those of ECS and ECRS cigarettes. These differences in physical characteristics can also affect the smoking experience, with ESS cigarettes offering a unique combination of firmness and ventilation.

Role of Shredded Stem Length in ESS Cigarettes

As the length of the shredded stem increased, certain characteristics of the ESS cigarette changed. The CO delivery, pressure drop, ventilation rate, and the tendency of cigarette ends to fall out all decreased. However, the deliveries of tar and nicotine did not change, indicating that the length of the shredded stem can influence the smoking experience without affecting the strength of the smoke.

The Effect of Drying Manner on Shredded Stem

The manner in which the shredded stem is dried can also significantly impact the cigarette’s characteristics. The study found that the shredded stem dried by the flash evaporation drier increased the pressure drop, ventilation rate, and firmness of the cigarette and decreased the deliveries of tar, nicotine, and CO in mainstream cigarette smoke compared to the stem dried using a cylinder drier.

Comparison of Cylinder Drier and Flash Evaporation Drier

The differences between a cylinder drier and a flash evaporation drier can significantly influence the quality of the shredded stem and, consequently, the final product. The flash evaporation drier seems to offer a combination of properties that can enhance the smoking experience, while also reducing the concentration of harmful compounds in the smoke.

How the Drying Manner Influences the Cigarette Quality

The manner in which the stem is dried can influence various aspects of the cigarette’s quality. By adjusting the drying method, manufacturers can manipulate the pressure drop, ventilation rate, and firmness of the cigarette, as well as the deliveries of tar, nicotine, and CO in the smoke. This highlights the importance of the drying process in cigarette production.


In conclusion, expanded shredded stems play a crucial role in the production of tobacco products. The type of stem, the proportion in the blend, the length of the shredded stem, and the drying manner can all significantly influence the characteristics of the final product. As we continue to explore and understand these factors, we can optimize the production process and create products that offer a unique and enjoyable smoking experience.